Next Group Start Thursday, 1 January 2025 from 1 PM to 3 PM at the Kulttuuriareena 44.
Group start times for 2025 are from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM on Thursday 16th January, Wednesday 12th March, and Tuesday 13th May.
Contact Samuel or Eppu via email or on Discord at the channel. Contact info here.
Group Activities in a Nutshell
Each group lasts six months and offers a unique combination of guided gaming activities (10 weeks), individual coaching (4 weeks), and learning work skills (10 weeks).
Guided Gaming Activities
Gaming is not just fun; it develops many important skills! In the GameON project, we play together and explore different aspects of gaming. The gaming activities are held at the Diginatiivit facilities (Kulttuuriareena 44, Kauppakatu 44) on weekday afternoons. Each session lasts 2-3 hours, with a total of ten sessions.
Individual Coaching
We want to help you find your path to the workforce. Individual coaching includes four sessions focused on strengthening your personal skills and goals.
Work Skills
Learning work skills is key to success. GameON offers ten sessions where work skills are developed through company projects. Sessions are held both at Kulttuuriareena 44 and in an online learning environment.
Join us and take the opportunity to develop your digital skills, create new networks, and prepare for the workforce! Keep an eye on our website for new group start dates and sign up as soon as possible. GameON is waiting for you!